Although we are a technology company offering a wide range of products and services to our customers, we remember that the development of any company is based on its ability to develop own employees and the society around. That is the reason we are dedicated to cooperation with schools at at all education levels throughout the history of our existence.
Professional practices
We offer the opportunity to complete compulsory internships with us, during which they will try out work in various departments of the company to students of secondary schools, higher technical schools and universities. The opportunity to meet professionals in selected sectors. We also cooperate with international universities in the framework of study stays and doctoral internships.
We also cooperate with the Development centre Radius , which offers internships to university students. We focus on technical topics and offer internships to students as an industry partner organisation. This opens up the opportunity for students to experience what working in a professional environment entails and helps them to clarify the career direction they want to take.
Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral thesis
We have a long-term cooperation with technical and economic universities and we offer to students the opportunity to create their final theses in a realistic environment on current topics, both in bachelor’s and master’s degrees. We appreciate very much that students often come back even in their dissertation thesis, which are usually related to their previous cooperation with our company.
School excursions
Because we are convinced that the relationship to good work is not built up into adulthood, we are happy to guide students from primary schools, through secondary schools, higher vocational schools and universities. We offer the opportunity to get acquainted with production technologies, the production process and the development of new products.
Student part-time jobs
We offer holidays part-time jobs to students (15+) who want to gain practice and valuable experience in the world of manufacturing and technology. They can try to work in different departments in any of the company’s branches.
Partnership schools
ZŠ a MŠ Poříčany
ZŠ a MŠ Slaná
SPŠS a JŠ Kolín
SOŠ informatiky a spojů Kolín
SPŠ Česká Lípa
ISŠ Vysoké nad Jizerou
Masarykova obchodní akademie Jičín
OA Kolín
OA, Hotelová škola a Střední odborná škola Turnov
OA Česká Lípa
VOŠ sklářská a Střední škola Nový Bor
VOŠ a SPŠ Jičín